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19世紀の時点で,ナイチンゲールが在宅看護についてどう考えていたかを明らかにすることを目的に,彼女の27著作のテクスト分析を行なった。彼女は1850年代の初期著作から看護の場として,病院と並べて家庭をとりあげていた。彼女の思想の中核には「病院は文明の中間段階にすぎない」という認識があり,病院に代わるより好ましいものとして「その人自身の家庭における看護」の実現を想定していた。それによって,患者は生活の日常性と主体性を自覚できる,と今日のノーマライゼーションの思想に重なる考え方を彼女は示唆していた。彼女の最晩年の言葉の1つが「家庭看護の実践が日常あたりまえの事実になることを期待する」であり,homeという概念を看護の概念に結びつけ,現在使われているhome nursingという言葉を1900年に既に使っていた。これは在宅看護の歴史に関する1つの発見であろう。
The purpose of this study is to identify Miss Florence Nightingale's concept of home nursing in the 19th century. The texts of her 27 writings were analyzed in terms of home nursing. In her writings of 1850's, she discussed patients' own homes as well as hospitals as the settings where nursing care should be provided. “Hospitals are an intermediate stage of civilization” was the recognition which formed the core of her philosophy.
Miss Nightingale envisaged “nursing care provided to individuals in their own homes” was more desirable and could replace hospitalization. If in their own homes, patients could be helped to feel the everydayness and independency of their life, Miss Nightingale thought, a concept very similar to the concept of normalization of today. In her later years she expressed that she expected home nursing could become and everyday fact.
Miss Nightingale used the term “home nursing” as early as 1900 in the same sense as it is today, the concept of home combined to that of nursing. It is one of the findings that should be noted in the history of home nursing.

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