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身体障害の1つである歩行障害は,人が環境のなかで目的をもち,自立した身体移動を行なうのに支障をきたしている状態と定義されており(Carpenito,1991;The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association,1992),基本的なセルフ・ケアを行なう能力の喪失を意味している(Chang,1994;Nagi,1991;World Health Organization,1980)。先進工業国では,老年人口の増加,医療技術の進歩と疾病の慢性化に伴い歩行障害の発生率は増加しており,日本では一般人口の2~3%,老年人口の8%にみられる身体障害の過半数(57%)を歩行障害が占め,その数は165万人にのぼっており(厚生統計協会,2000),その主原因は,脳血管障害と骨格筋障害となっている(厚生省,1992;新開,藤本,渡辺,近藤,岡田,ドウ,小西,小野,大西,田中,堀口,1999)。このような慢性的な歩行障害をもつ障害者は,身体的・心理社会的問題に直面し,その家族介護者の多くは,精神的ストレス,負担感や過労を体験していることが数多く報告されている。
Impaired-mobility (IM) causes high rates of mortality, morbidity, depression, and unemployment in individuals with IM, and burden in their family caregivers. This correlational study examined the relationships among the level of adaptation in individuals with IM and the level of burden and satisfaction in their caregivers, using the Family Systems-Illness Model (Rolland, 1987, 1994). The level of adaptation was measured by absence of physical complications and the attained scores on the four subscales of the Psychosocial Adjustment of Illness Scale (Derogatis, 1986). The level of burden and satisfaction in their caregivers was measured by the attained scores on two subscales of the Caregiving Appraisal Scale (Lawton et al., 1989). A sample of 91 individualcaregiver dyads was selected non-randomly from clinics, home health agencies, and respite care facilities. The questionnaires were administered by the separate interviews between dyads. Results revealed that the individual's physical adaptation and domestic functioning were related to the caregiver's burden, and the individual's vocational functioning was related to the caregiver's satisfaction. The result of no significant relationship between the caregiver's burden and satisfaction may indicate co-existence of feeling of burden and satisfaction in the caregivers. The study suggests nursing intervention program to the individuals with IM and their caregivers during hospitalization and the need for further refinement of instruments.

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