

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


What's your impression? Caroline Latta pp.1480-1481
Published Date 1988/12/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1543205532
  • Abstract

Senior technologist : What's your impression of the English written by Japanese scientists ?

English editor : Japanese scientists work① very hard when they write English, andthey spend a lot of time studying beforehand. Unfortunately, the sources② from which they learn English are generally of poor quality. Teachers in school try to teach English without being fluent③ in any aspect④ of it. The reason often given for their poor English is that too much stress is placed on reading and translation. If so, why do I never meet Japanese who read English for pleasure ? The Japanese textbooks that I've seen on how to write scientific papers in English are flawed.⑤ One, written by a native speaker of English, has some helpful explanations, but has wrong answers in the back of the book.⑥ This confuses the reader. I assume that the mistakes were made during translation and printing. Those written by Japanese make a few good points, but they also contain many mistakes and printing errors. English for Medical TechnologistsOne problem is that many students believe that the teachers and textbooks are correct. One piece of advice⑦ for you is not to believe something just because it is printed in a book. The only other source as a model for writing English isthe scientific literature. However, scientific papers are usually far from perfect, whether written by native speakers of English or not. Scientists are not always good with words.⑧ They, like you, have the scientific literature as their main model of how to write English. Most papers could be written more clearly, with simplerwords. Some scientists like long, complicated sentences. Perhaps they are afraid that if science is made too easy, there will be too much competition.⑨

Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1375 印刷版ISSN 0301-2611 医学書院


