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小児鼻アレルギー患者はアレルギー外来の受診者中かなりの割合を占めるが,これらの患者を1施設で長期間follow upすることはなかなか困難で,途中で来院しなくなったり他の医院に転医してしまうものがほとんどである。そのため受診後5年,10年と経過した場合患者の症状がどう変わっていくかということはなかなか実態をつかみにくく,それゆえわれわれにとって非常に興味がある。今回は過去に当科鼻アレルギー外来を受診し鼻アレルギーと診断された患者に対して,受診後長期間経過してからアンケート調査を実施する機会を得たのでその結果を検討した。
In 1985, a questionnaire was sent to the patients who had visited our clinic between 1971 and 1976. Those whose ages were from 5 to 12 at the time of their visit were selected.
The results of this questionnaire indicated that most patients were in good condition and receiving no treatment. They did not receive any other treatments after visiting our clinic, because of spontaneous improvement. The improvement rate was high in the patients treated with or without hyposensitization. Most patients were aware of that nasal allergy will improve with suitable treatment, but half of them do not know their own antigen.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.