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著者らは現在までに1310例のhemifacial spasmに対するmicrovascular decompressionを経験した,同時期に経験したtrigeminal neuralgia 730例において79例(10.8%)の頻度で腫瘍が発見されたのに比して,hemifacial spasmのシリーズで発見された腫瘍は極めて少なく4例(0.3%)に限られていた(epidermoid7),caver—nous angioma, acoustic neurinoma, meningioma各1例).
今回報告する例はCP angie meningiomaが原因であった左hemifacial spasm患者であるが,興味あることは,その初発症状がhemifacial spasmであり,その後,第VIII脳神経症状,小脳症状が出現するまでの約10年間にわたって患者がこれを唯一自覚していたことである.
An interesting case of CP angle meningioma present-ing with hemifacial spasm is reported. The patient was a 64-year-old woman with left hemifacial spasm of 18 years' duration which was the initial and the only symptom she had had for ten years until other signs and symptoms including tinnitus and hearing decrease on the left side, vertigo and left cerebellar disturbance occurred. Preoperative CT films showed an enhancing mass at the left CP angle. Operation was performed and the diagnosis of meningioma originating at the ros-tral edge of the jugular foramen was made.

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