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近年化学療法剤,抗生剤等の臨床応用は中耳炎に対して絶大な効果をおさめているが,これらの療法によつても全治せしめることが困難な場合が屡々見られる。このような場合起炎菌の種類及び薬物に対する感受性或は局所素因等に関する検索は勿論重要であるが,個体の反応力も又ゆるがせにできない。笠木はSeyderhelmのTrypanblau Congorot混合液による白血球生死判定を耳漏について実施し,臨床所見によつて予後判断の困難な症例の病像の把握に資することを報告している。又ペニシリンショック等薬剤によるアレルギー反応や抗ヒスタミン剤によつて劇的効果をおさめた中耳炎の報告等も数多く見られるので,耳漏中の遊走細胞の検討は中耳炎の治療をより合理的に導くものと思われる。
Fukiyama observed wandering cells conta-ined in the discharge from the ear of the patient with otitis media which were stained by tripan-blue, congo-red and Hinkelman's solution. Results obtained are as follows.
The count of dead leukocytes stained by congo-red varies with the severity of the di-sease and, as Kasaki granted, it is available for the grasp of the condition also with refe-rrence to the quantity of exudation of fluid, while cells stained by trypan-blue are scarce-ly proved to be dead leukocytes.
By means of Hinkelman's solution which has been used when counting eosinophilic ce-lls in blood, cells in the discharge from the ear are stained well and found out easily as well as those in blood. The increase of eosi-nophilic cells is observed in the mucous dis-charge of chronic otitis media.

Copyright © 1960, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.