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発症6時間以内の中大脳動脈(middle cerebralartery:MCA)閉塞症に対するprourokinaseの局所動注血栓溶解療法(local thrombolytic therapy:LTT)の有効性が報告され2),MCA閉塞に対するLTTの適応は発症後6時間以内と言われている.今回われわれは発症24時間後のMCA閉塞症例にキセノンCT脳血流検査,MRI施行後,LTTを行い著明な臨床症状の改善を得たので報告する.
We describe success with local thrombolytic therapy given to a patient 21 hours after onset of left middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion. A 53-year-old man was admitted 18 hours after onset of disorientation, motor aphasia, and right upper and lower limb wealawss. Computed tomography (CT) showed an area of slightly decreased density in the deep left frontal white matter. A stable Xenon CT cerebral blood flow study revealed mildly decreased perfusion in the left MCA territory, which showed negative cerebrovascular reactivity.

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