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細菌性脳動脈瘤は比較的稀な疾患であり,その発症様式としてはseptic emboliによる脳梗塞発症もみられるが一般的にくも膜下出血や脳内出血にて発症することが多いとされる2,3,5,6,8,9,15,16).今回われわれは,硬膜下出血にて発症し,経カテーテル塞栓術および化学療法にて治癒した多発性細菌性脳動脈瘤の1例を経験した.その発症様式,治療法および経過観察について文献的考察を加えて報告する.
A patient with subdural hematoma associated with multiple mycotic intracranial aneurysms is reported. A 22-year-old woman presented with headache and disturbance of consciousness. A CT showed subdural hematoma at the ten-trium and the left cerebral convexity. Conservative treatment and was used and she was discharged 10 days later. However, follow-up CT demonstrated a parenchymal hematoma in the right posterior temporal lobe. Cerebral angi-ography demonstrated a large right posterior cerebral aneurysm and multiple right middle cerebral aneurysms. A car-diac ultrasonography showed a verruca at the mitral valve.

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