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リンパ増殖症(lymphoproliferative disorder:LPD)はリンパ腫(lymphoma)に類似した疾患であり,時に中枢神経(central nervous system:CNS)に浸潤する予後不良の疾患である1,3,12).原発性CNS-lymphomaやLPDは高齢者に発症することが多いが,続発性LPDは年齢に関係なく先天性免疫不全症,移植医療における強力な免疫抑制療法,がん化学療法,HIV感染症例などに伴って発症する1,3,10-12).原発性,続発性ともにほとんどがB細胞由来でありT細胞,natural killer(NK)細胞起源であることは極めて稀である2,10).
今回,原発性T-cell LPDと慢性活動性EBウイルス感染症(CAEBV)に伴う続発性T-cell LPDのCNS浸潤を2例経験し,早期の組織診断と免疫化学療法が有効であったので報告する.
Lymphoproliferative disorder (LPD) sometimes occurs in immunosuppressive patients. B-cell prolifera-tion is predominantly seen in patients with LPD and T-cell proliferation is rare. We here report two pa-tients with T-cell LPD involving the central nervous system (CNS). A 7-year-old boy developed increased intracranial pressure and computed tomography showed a ring-enhanced mass lesion in the right frontal lobe. A 10-year-old boy developed gait disturbance and magnetic resonance imaging showed a non-en-hanced lesion in the left parietal lobe. Radiological findings could not differentiate CNS-LPD from other intracranial diseases. Only histologic examination could diagnose LPD in both cases, and Epstein-Barr virus associated RNA was found in the infiltrated T-cell of the latter case. Although chemotherapy with antitumor agents was effective for remission of LPD in both cases, both patients died 3 years after their operations. As CNS-LPD shows rapid progression and frequently results in fatality, this disease requires immediate histologic diagnosis followed by extensive chemotherapy.
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