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後下小脳動脈(PICA)の形態はバリエーションに富み,全体の32%で一側のPICAの低形成が,また4%では欠損が見られる1).このような場合,一側のPICAからvermisを越えてarterial bridgeを形成し,communicating vesselとして対側へ還流していることが珍しくない.Hlavinら5)は,そのarterial bridgeに発生した動脈瘤を“aneurysmof the PICA communicating artery”と呼び,初めて報告している.今回われわれが経験した1例は同血管に発生した動脈瘤としては3例目であるが,多発例としては初めての報告であり,興味深いと思われたので報告する.
A case with unusual type of aneurysms in the distal posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) is re-ported here. Though only two cases with a single aneurysm of the PICA communicating artery have beenreported previously, the present case is the first one with multiple aneurysms in the PICA communicatingartery. A 61-year-old woman with a sudden onset of severe headache, vomiting and unconsciousness wastransferred to our hospital. CT scan revealed a hematoma in the fourth, third, and lateral ventricles, and amild subarachnoid hemorrhage at the posterior fossa. Cerebral angiogram showed the right PICA sup-plying the hypoplastic left PICA territory through an anastomotic vessel. Two small aneurysms were seenat the tips of hairpin curves of an anastomotic vessel, “the PICA communicating artery”. Suboccipital cra-niotomy was performed, and the ruptured aneurysm was clipped and the unruptured one was wrappedwith cotton-sheet. After the operation, her clinical recovery went well and she was discharged on foot.

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