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外傷性基底核部出血は,CT scan導入により報告例も増加しており,孤立性のもの7,16,20)と他の部位の出血巣を随伴するものとがあり4,9,10,16),臨床的には異なった像を呈する.本稿では外傷性基底核部出血に対し,穿頭用超音波プローベを用い,超音波ガイド下血腫吸引術を施行し,良好な経過をたどった症例を経験したので報告する.
A case was reported of massive traumatic hematoma of the basal ganglia which was treated succesfully by ultrasound-guided aspiration surgery.
A 8-year-old girl was transferred to our hosiptal 20 minutes after a traffic accident. She was in stupor and had right hemiplegia. A skull x-rays showed right tem-poral linear fracture and a head CT disclosed left mas-sive putaminal hematoma. Ultrasound-guided aspiration surgery via a burr hole was performed under general anesthesia and 30ml of hematoma was successfully evacuated. Her symptoms and signs improved gradually and she was discharged on foot 3 weeks after the acci-dent. The clinical feature and mechanism of develop-ment of the hematoma in this lesion, and usefullness of ultrasound-guicied aspiration surgery were also discuss-ed.

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