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Hemodynamic simulation study of cerebral arteriovenous malformations:changes of wall stress and early detection of NPPB Shiro NAGASAWA 1 , Masahiro KAWANISHI 1 , Kazunobu YAMAGUCHI 1 , Hiroichi TADA 1 , Sachiko KAJIMOTO 1 , Yoshinaga KAJIMOTO 1 , Hideo TANAKA 1 , Tomio OHTA 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka Medical College Keyword: arteriovenous malformation , autoregulation , cerebral hemodynamics , compartmental flow model , regional cerebral blood flow , wall stress pp.897-903
Published Date 1996/10/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1436901281
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Obliteration procedures for large high-flow arteriove-nous malformations (AVM) were simulated using a compartmental flow model to investigate the role of altered autoregulatory conditions in the development of hyperperfusion and normal perfusion pressure break-through (NPPB). Since the arterioles are primarily re-sponsible for autoregulatory function, the role of these structural changes on the development of hyperperfu-sion was also studied by evaluating the wall thickness (T), internal radius (Ri) and tangential wall stress (σ).

As the AVM flow was decreased during the oblitera-tion procedures, the perfusion pressure (△ P) of the brain tissue surrounding the AVM increased. When the autoregulatory condition was impaired [AR (-)] and the lower limit of the autoregulatory pressure range (LAR) was shifted from 60mmHg (LAR60) to 40 mm Hg (LAR40), the flow volume in the surrounding brain (Fb) increased markedly, from 67 ml/100g/min to 92ml/100g/min, with the progress of the obliteration procedures. In these conditions, T/Ri was supposed to be constant and σ value increased uniformly. In the presence of the autoregulatory mechanism [AR (+)],T/Ri increased against increasing △ P, which resulted in smaller σ value than that under AR (-) conditions. When the contracted vascular wall yielded on the pro-cess of increasing wall stress, △ P and feeder pressure (Pf) decreased to some degree. Concomitantly increase of the σ value and marked hyperperfusion developed in the brain. The yield of the contracted vascular wall would result in the decrease of a pressure gradient across the arteriole and the reciprocal increase of pres-sure load on the walls of the capillary and venula, which might lead to NPPB. Since the decrease of △ P or Pf during the progress of the obliterating procedures is considered specific to the appearance of hyperperfu-sion or NPPB, monitoring these parameters would be useful for its early detection.

If the upper limit of the autoregulatory pressure range was assumed to decrease and become the yield point in the brain surrounding high flow AVMs, hyper-perfusion or NPPB could be considered to develop in the conditions with the autoregulatory pressure range being narrowed and/or shifted to the lower pressure level.

Induced systemic hypotension was found to he effec-tive in reducing the magnitude of Fb, △ P, and Pf when induction was appropriately performed in stepwise fashion. T/Ri and σ were kept in narrow ranges com-pared to those before induction of hypotension.

Copyright © 1996, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1251 印刷版ISSN 0301-2603 医学書院


