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今回われわれは,上位脳幹腹側部にて,MRI上脳幹との間にextra-axial signであるlow-intensity bandを有し,ほとんど髄外性に発育した脳幹部astrocytoma grade Ⅲの1例を経験した.このような脳幹腹側髄外発育の例は,文献的にも見出せず,極めて稀と思われたので,報告する.
A surgically treated case of ventrally exophytic pon-tine glioma is reported.
A 49-year-old woman, complaining of dysarthria, dysphagia and gait disturbance, was admitted to our department. Her past history included bronchial asthma. Plain skull x-p and tomography revealed des-truction of the dorsum sellae and upper clivus. CT de-monstrated an enhanced oval mass at the ventral side of the upper brainstem. The mass was severely com-pressing the brainstem dorsally. MRI revealed a low-intensity band between the tumor and the brainstem. Dynamic MRI demonstrated a pattern of rapid increas-ing and slow reduction. Cerebral angiogram demon-strated a paradoxical sign that pontine branches were lo-cated anterior to the basilar artery. The finding demon-strated that the tumor was an intraaxial mass. The first operation was performed by the orbitofrontomalar approach. On the trans-sylvian route, the tumor was re-moved partially with CUSA and neuronavigation sys-tem. Its histology was astrocytoma grade Ⅲ. Radiation therapy was added. The patient's symptoms aggravated again. On the second operation, the transtemporal routewith tentorial resection was chosen. Under a wide visual field, intracapsular subtotal resection of the tumor was performed. Interferon therapy was added. She was discharged to her home with no neurological deficits.
Ventrally exophytic pontine glioma is very rare. Low-intensity band of MRI, a sign of extraaxial mass, was visualised in our case. On the other hand, cerebral angiogram demonstrated a paradoxical sign. This sign suggested that the tumor originated from the brain-stem. With update skull base surgery and neuronaviga-tion system, surgical therapy of ventrally exophytic pontine glioma is safe and effective.

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