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クモ膜嚢胞の手術には,嚢胞開放術および嚢胞腹腔シャントが行われているが,両手技の優劣には,結論が得られていない8-10).われわれは,当患者に対し,嚢胞開放術とともに,嚢胞内と悩底槽髄液腔をstraight sili—corle tubeで短絡したcyst-cisternal shuntを試み,良好な結果を得た.生体適合素材の開発により,優れたsili—cone tubeが供与されている現在7,8),cyst-cisternal shuntは,クモ膜嚢胞手術の第一選択となりうると考えられた.文献的考察を含め,報告する.
A rare case of complex anomaly, composed of schizencephaly, polymicrogyria, heterotopic gray mat-ter, agenesis of the septum pellicidi and arachnoid cyst at the right middle cranial fossa was encountered.
A 38-year old man, complaining of epileptic seizure, was admitted to our department. His past history in-cluded cerebral palsy. Plain skull roentgenogram showed protrusion of the right temporal bone and thin-ning of the ipsilateral sphenoidal wing. CT revealed arachnoid cyst and parietal crest surrounded by cortical layer on the right side. MRI also demonstrated the arachnoid cyst, parietal crest and agenesis of septum pellicidi. MRI, especially proton density weighted im-age, well demonstrated cortical layer surrounding the parietal crest, right opercular polymicrogyria and left heterotopic gray matter. The crest was diagnosed as schizencephaly. The arachnoid cyst was treated by cyst-cisternal shunt with a silicone tube (Sapporo shunt®) after fenestrating the cyst. The tube was in-serted into the sylvian fissure from the cyst and sutured to the inner wall of the cyst. Despite slight intra-tumoral hemorrhage in the CT at 1.5months after the operation, the cyst markedly decreased in size. As to the diagnosis of the brain anomaly, MRI gives extremely useful information. Particulary for the dia-gnosis of anomalies of migration of neuronal cells, MRI, especially proton density weighted image, has been regarded as an indispensable examination. In the operation of subarachnoid cyst, to maintain the flow between the inside of its cyst and the basal cistern, cyst-cisternal shunt with a silicone tube had satisfactory results. In the present state, excellent sili-cone tubes have been provided, cyst-cisternal shunt should he considered as the first choice operation for subarachnoid cyst.

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