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外傷性鼻出血の出血源の検索については1970年にDugganらが血管撮影が有用であったと報告し4),1974年Sokoloffらはカテーテルを用いた止血に成功している13).近年,microcatheterの改良や新たな塞栓材料の開発,より高性能なdigital subtraction angiography(以下DSAと略す)の普及など血管内手術の発達に伴い,その手技はより安全かつ確実に行われるようになった.今回著者らは,顔面外傷に伴う大量出血に対しカテーテルを用いた塞栓術を行い,治癒せしめえた2症例を経験した.
We have encountered 2 cases of hemorrhagic vascular lesion in the external carotid artery system caused by fa-cial injury.
In case 1, treatment of epistaxis by nasal packing was unsuccessful. Good result was obtained by intravascular embolization in the internal maxillary artery using poly-vinyl alcohol particles and gelatin sponge pieces.
In case 2, massive subgaleal hemorrhage due to tear-ing of the middle meningeal artery caused by a skull base fracture appeared following surgery for open skull frac-ture. Hemostasis was performed successfully by intra-vascular embolization in the middle meningeal artery us-ing microcoils and gelatin sponge pieces. In cases of fa-cial injuries with hemorrhagic lesions in the external carotid artery system, hemostasis is generally difficult. Referring to these two cases, we think that the treatment of choice is angiography followed by intravascular embolization.

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