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The indication for external ventricular drainage after clipping of ruptured aneurysms in the acute stageis evaluated. Since 1990, 234 patients who presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and underwentaneurysmal clipping in the acute stage were evaluated retrospectively. Patients with ventricular dilatationhad intraoperative placement of a ventriculostomy to obtain intraoperative brain relaxation, but the ventri-cular catheter was removed at the end of the surgery. All these patients were managed postoperatively in asimilar fashion with no ventricular drainage, avoidance of dehydration complemented by a course ofsodium ozagrel and nicarclipine or fasudil hydrochloride. Acute hydrocephalus was defined as clinically andradiographically demonstrated ventricular dilatation that developed within 2 weeks of the onset of SAHand that required ventricular drainage. Three surgical approaches were employed; pterional approach(PA) for the aneurysms of the anterior circulation and upper basilar artery in 207 patients, interhemisphe-ric approach (MA) for the aneurysms of the pericallosal artery in 11 patients and lateral suboccipitalapproach (LSA) for the aneurysms of the vertebral arteries in 16 patients. No significant differences werefound among these three approach groups in Fisher CT classification and the I lunt 8i Kosnik gradings.Four patients developed acute hydrocephalus within two weeks of surgery : three patients were operatedon via LSA and one through IHA. Compared to the IHA or LSA, PA was superior for reestablishing cere-brospinal fluid circulation, because it is possible to remove more subarachnoid clot in the basal cisternsthan to do so in the other two approaches. Opening of the lamina terminalis and the Liliequist membraneare also possible using PA. In conclusion, PA can prevent development of acute hydrocephalus, whereaspostoperative ventricular drainage may be necessary in patients operated upon via IHA or LSA.

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