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悪性神経膠腫に対する治療として,手術後放射線療法に化学療法インターフェロン(β—IFN)を加えた併用療法を行っている1).インターフェロンの抗腫瘍効果には,腫瘍細胞に対して細胞増殖抑制やDNA合成阻害などの直接作用と,免疫系を介する間接作用があり,natural killer(NK)細胞,マクロファージ,細胞障害Tリンパ球の活性増強作用が報告され,臨床的にもその有用性がいわれている11,21,29).
われわれはすでに脳腫瘍患者のT細胞サブセットによる免疫能について報告しているが8),近年開発されたtwo-color analysisによるリンパ球の分析は少なくまた経時的な変化を検討した報告はない.今回悪性グリオーマ患者に対してインターフェロンを用いた集学的療法を施行し,その前から後にかけてのT細胞分画の変動,またNK細胞やγ—IFN産生能についても経時的に測定し,インターフェロンによる脳腫瘍の治療効果と免疫能の変動を検討したので報告する.
We have employed IAR therapy [combination of postirradiation, chemotherapy and interferon (IFN)] for malignant glioma patients. Changes of lymphocyte fractions in patients were evaluated before and after IAR therapy, using a recently developed two-color ana-lysis. Eight malignant glioma patients received irradia-tion, chemotherapy (ACNU) and immunotherapy (OK - 432 and IFN - β) . Peripheral blood lymphocytes taken during hospitalization with IAR therapy (first half and latter half), and every 3 to 6 months for 2 years at the longest after IAR therapy were double-stained with FITC- and PI-labelled antibodies and two-color analysis was conducted by a FACS Analyzer. Six patients out of 8 survived for 6 months to 2 years, 2 died after 3 and 6 months, respectively. Leu - 2a (sup-pressor/cytotoxic T), especially Leu - 2a+15- (cytotox-ic T) showed a high value. Leu - 2a level decreased during treatment, and both Leu - 2a+15- and Leu - 2a+ 15 + (suppressor T) values decreased. Two thirds of the patients showing an increased Leu - 2a+15+ level died. Leu 3a (helper/inducer T), especially Leu - 3a+8+ (inducer T) level decreased, but Leu - 3a+8- (helper T) level increased during treatment. The level de-creased in the worser patients. Leu - 3a/Leu - 2a ratio was low, but it increased during treatment as compared with the results of conventional therapy. Leu - 7, Leu -11a, NK activity, and γ- IFN productivity were further studied. Treatment combined with IFN revealed an in-fluence on the T cells resulting in an increase of helper T level and suppression of suppressor T level.

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