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われわれは,髄膜炎を契機に発見され,経過中急速に増大し,広範な脳浮腫により臨床症状悪化を来したazygos antcri cerebral arteryの部分の血栓性巨大動脈瘤を経験し,摘出した動脈瘤の病理組織学的所見より,本症例における動脈瘤の感染と,動脈瘤の増大機序及び脳浮腫の発生につき考察し,さらに治療上の問題点につき若干の知見を得たので報告する.
The authors report a case of partially thromhosed giant aneurysm which was secondarily infected with purulent meningitis. The relationship between the infec-tion of the aneurysm, the rapid growth of the aneurysm and the development of severe cerebral edema was dis-cussed.
A 53 year-old man was admitted on September 1, 1986, with a diagnosis of bacterial meningitis. On his admission, his body temperature was 39℃, and he showed mental confusion but no neurological deficits. Laboratory data revealed signs of infection in white blood cell count, CRP, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

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