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脳動脈瘤が自然に血栓化して,脳血管写上消失することは比較的稀であるが5,7,11),特に巨大脳動脈瘤の自然消失は剖検例を含めても私たちの検索し得た範囲では,現在までに15例にすぎない5).私たちは,最近,脳底動脈尖端部未破裂巨大動脈瘤が正常圧水頭症(Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus;以下NPHと略す)を惹起した稀な1症例を経験し,すでに本誌に発表したが(第7巻603-608頁,1979年)9),同一症例において,その後,動脈瘤の血栓化により脳血管写上自然消失する過程を経時的に追跡し得たので,若干の文献的考察を加え報告する.
One of the case of the angiographically disappeared giant aneurysm is reported, which was arising from the top of the basilar artery.
A 52-year-old man was admitted in April, 1978. He had developed a recent memory disturbance, tremor in the both upper extrimities, the rigidity of the four extrimities, an ataxic gait and urinary incontinence. Enhanced CT scan on admission demonstrated a large oval mass in the suprasellar region indenting nearly total third ventricle. Bilateral lateral ventricles were significantly dilated.

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