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慢性硬膜下血腫(chronic subdural hematoma:CSH)は脳神経外科診療で頻繁に遭遇する疾患であり,比較的転帰良好と考えられている.しかし,われわれは入院時意識レベルがJapan Coma Scale(JCS)Ⅲ桁であり,CSHに起因する両側後頭葉梗塞を合併した2症例を経験した.CSHに脳梗塞が合併することは稀で,われわれが渉猟し得た限りでは,Pevehouseらの7例のCSHに片側後頭葉梗塞を認めたとの報告を含め14例のみであった4,7,8,10,15,18).両側後頭葉梗塞はさらに少なく,3例の報告を認めるのみである4,15).本症例の病態や脳梗塞の発生機序につき,文献的考察を交えて,報告する.
Chronic subdural hematoma(CSH)is a common disease that is treated with burr hole drainage by neurosurgeons. The outcome of CSH is mostly favorable.
We treated 2 cases with bilateral occipital lobe infarction due to CSH. A 57-year-old woman was ambulatory when she visited a clinic for evaluation of headache. One hour after the CT was taken, she developed acute impairment of consciousness, so that she was referred to our hospital. The second patient was a 73-year-old woman with a history of depression who was involved in a traffic accident 5 weeks before admission to our hospital. She was at first admitted to a psychiatric hospital for evaluation of gait disturbance. Three weeks after she was admitted to the psychiatric hospital, she fell into a coma. She was referred to our hospital. Their brain CT on admission revealed compressed ambient and interpeduncular cistern and bilateral CSH. Although burr hole drainage surgery was performed, the 2 patients developed severe sequelae due to occipital lobe infarction caused by central transtentorial herniation.

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