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破裂脳動脈瘤によるくも膜下出血(SAH)の治療はこの10年あまりで大きく変化してきた.顕微鏡手術が進歩してきたことにより急性期のclippingはほとんどの施設で行われるようになった.またGuglielmi Detachable Coil(GDC)による動脈瘤の塞栓術も一般化し,後頭蓋窩の動脈瘤治療の成績はclippingに比肩するほどになっている3,4,5,10).脳血管れん縮(vasospasm)に対する輸液,特にバランスや昇圧,希釈などに注意を払うようになったことも,fasudil,ozagrelなどを使用するようになったのもvasospasmの発生率を減らしている16,18,19).いったんvasospasmになれば血管形成術(PTA)や塩酸papaverine(PPV)の選択的動脈内投与も行われる7,8,20).
これらによりSAHの治療成績はよくなっているのだろうか.World Federation of Neurological Society(WFNS)gradeのⅠ~Ⅲまでの比較的軽症群では改善していると考えられているが,重症SAH(gradeⅣ,Ⅴ)についてはあまり報告がなく,評価も様々である4,6,10,12,17).
Cerebral vasospasm remains a leading cause of morbidity and increasing mortality rates following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). The rate of vasospasm and the outcome (Glasgow Outcome Scale; GOS) especially in poor WFNS grade were retrospectively analyzed over a 6-year period. Patients were divided into three different groups. The first group (pre-group) consisted of 43 patients (grade IV: 31,grade V: 12),who were admitted between 1996 and 1998. When vasospasm occurred,they were mainly treated by papaverine (PPV) and percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA). In the second group (mil-cis group),for the prevention of vasospasm,cisternal irrigation therapy with milrinone was applied in 24 patients (grade IV: 13,grade V: 11),who were admitted in the period between 1999 and 2001. The third group,(w/o mil-cis group),consisted of 30 patients (grade IV: 15,grade V: 15),in whom cisternal irrigation therapy was not able to be carried out.
In grade IV,vasospasm was observed in 66% of the patients the first group,50% in the w/o mil-cis group and significantly less in the mil-cis group (15%,p<0.024). In grade V,the rate of vasospasm was also lower in the mil-cis group but no statistical significance was revealed. Although the rate of favorable outcome in GOS was highest and the rate of death was least in the mil-cis group in both grade IV and V,only the trend was observed.
Many factors should be considered,Cisternal irrigation therapy with milrinone reduced the occurrence of vasospasm. However,outcome was not improved because of the initial poor clinical condition.

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