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神経伝達の化学的媒体について,生理学的機能との関連において研究をすすめる場合,もつとも基本的な想定の一つは,これらの物質に活性型のものと,不活性型のものの二型が存在するという仮定である。この考えは実験的根拠の上に一般に支持された。たとえば,Brodie1)2)らによればセロトニンについては,細胞内に結合セロトニンと遊離セロトニンの二型が存在し,結合セロトニンはおそらく蛋白質のような高分子と結合していて生理学的に不活性であるとともに破壊酵素の作用からまぬがれた状態にある。一方遊離型セロトニンは生理学的に活性を有し破壊酵素の作用をうけるとされる。著者らは兎血小板を用いてこの問題を検討したが,蛋白質と結合したセロトニンを物理化学的に証明しえず,また細胞内にセロトニンがactive transportと推定される機作で吸収されること3),およびアドレナリンも類似の機作で兎血小板に吸収されることを認めた。血小板でのモデル実験の結果はすでに報告したが,これらのアミン類はブドー糖などのエネルギー源を加えると濃度勾配に逆つて血小板内に吸収され,この吸収は種々の阻害剤やレセルピンによつて強く阻害される。
Uptake of noradrenaline (NA) by brain slicewas investigated. Brain slice taken from guineapig was incubated with NA, IIH, various sub-strates or inhibitors in Krebs-Ringer's phosphatesaline gassed with oxygen at 37℃. After thirtyminutes of incubation, the slice was washed thriceand NA taken up by the slice was extracted intoacidic ethanol followed by adsorption on alumin-ium oxide. NA purified through these processeswas determined by von Euler's THI method.
Following results were obtained: 1. NA was absorbed by brain slice several timesmore when ;the ;slice was incubated at 37℃than when incubated in ice water.
2. Brain slice took up only 1-NA but not d-NA.
3. Concentration ratio of NA in brain slice tosurrounding medium after the incubation wasabout 1.5 in favor of slice.
4. The 'uptake of NA by brain slice was stimu-lated by various energy sourses such as glucose,pyruvate and ATP.
5. The stimulatory effect of glucose on NA up-take by brain slice was diminished by variousinhibitors such as DNP, azide and arsenate.
6. The uptake of NA by brain slice was inhibit-ed by other catechol amines bat not by serotonine and bufote nine.
7. NA content in the slice was more when Ca++was omitted from the incubation mediumwhile less when K+ or NH4+ was added tothe medium.
These facts might imply that NA was taken upby brain slice by an active transport mechanismcoupled with energy generating system. Furtherdetailed investigations are in progress.
Copyright © 1960, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.