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A 47-year-old female committed suicide with thedomestic gas containing carbon monoxide. After theinitial unconsciousness for about 24 hours, she re-covered temporarily, and the lucid interval lastedfor about 3 weeks. Subsequently she became rest-less and disoriented, and developed gradually apa-thetic and akinetic states as well as those simula-ting "apallisches Syndrom" or decerebrate state.Neurological findings such as exaggerated deep tendon reflexes, increased muscular rigidity weretransiently encountered. She finally expired underemaciation 65days later after the intoxication.
Autopsy findings are as follows: Viscera showedno remarkable changes; main sites of the lesionscomprized the widespread, either diffuse or bothpatchy and confluent demyelination in the almostentire cerebral hemispheres including the corpuscallosum and the anterior commissure; U-fibers andmyelin sheaths around the larger blood vesselswere well-preserved; corresponding to the demye-linated foci, axonal disintegration, a large numberof fat granules of a fixed type and cellular increasewere pronounced; fibrillary gliosis was scarce;there were no remarkable changes in the cerebralcortex and the globus pallidus.
The clinico-pathologic features of the presentexample have been discussed in comparison withthose in the previous references. Consequently,the lesions in this case could not be explained si-mply as the results of cerebral edema or anoxia.Some hypotheses as to the pathogenesis of the in-terval form were discussed.
Copyright © 1965, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.