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Electron-microscopic Study of the Brain in Convulsions: Part 1. Cerebral Cortex of Chicken subjected to Convulsions by means of Electric Stimuli T. Homma 1 , N. Ogasawara 1 , H. Ashiya 1 1Department of Neuro-psychiatry, Hirosaki University, School of Medicine. pp.425-433
Published Date 1963/3/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431904025
  • Abstract
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In order to pursue after the mechanism ofepileptic or convulsive phenomena, we havebeen engaged in the histological study bymeans of electron microscope since last years.

In this first report, the results from 57chickens, among which 18 were subjected tocons ulsions induced by application of 10 timesof electric stimuli, are mentioned.

The main findings obtained are summarisedas follows: 1) Decrease of the nuclear density, depen-ding on decrease and/or aggregation of intr-anuclear chromatin granules. 2) Widening ofthe nuclear pore until such a range as 1500-5000Å. 3) Corrugation of the nuclear memb-rane, especially a significant projection ofthe external membrane into the cytoplasm.4) Increase or decrease of the electron densityin the rough surfaced variety of endoplasmicreticulum, depending on increase and/ordecrease of RNA granules. 5) Disarrange-ment or disappearance of the structure ofthe rough surfaced variety of endoplasmicreticulum. 6) Widening of the rough surfacedvariety of endoplasmic reticulum to the rangeof 3000-5050Å. 7) Loss of clearness of themitochondrial membrane, crumbling or disap-pearance of the cristae mitochondriae, andvariety of the density of the mitochondrialmatrix.

However, all above-mentioned findings,the authors think, might not he specific tothe changes due to electric convulsion, asfar as the references published until todaywere reviewed. In spite of such findings, wetook into consideration about the function ofthe RNA granule and the mitochondria,and, from the pathophysiological standpointof view, supposed that these findings obta-ined by the authors might indicate the resul-ts of the metabolic disturbances and the rec-overy from them which would take place innerve cells.

Copyright © 1963, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


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