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Anterior cingulate cortex(ACC)は痛みの中枢の1つとされているが,基礎研究において侵害刺激に反応するニューロンが報告され(Sikesら, 1992;Yamamuraら, 1996)さらに,痛み回避課題時に発火するニューロンが記録されている(Koyamaら, 2001)。近年,ヒトの画像解析研究が進展して,高次脳機能が解明されはじめ,ACCの痛み認知機構における役割が少しずつ明らかになってきた。今回痛み認知におけるACCの役割について,現在までの知見と筆者らの研究結果を示す。
Anterior cingulate cortex(ACC)is regarded as the center of medial pain system, which has affective aspects in pain. We studied how nociceptive neurons encode mechanical stimulus intensity in the rat ACC. Wide dynamic type like neurons in the ACC encoded stimulus intensity with response durations, but not frequency changes. Nociceptive specific neurons also dose-dependently reduced response duration with intracerebroventricularly-injected morphine. The nociceptive responses were blocked by electrical stimulation applied to the amygdala. In human fMRI study, an increase of amygdala activity accompanied with enhancement of ACC nociceptive responses. Nociceptive responses may be modulated directly by amygdala activities in the ACC.

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