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法はすべて,人は意思を持ち,意思に従った行動を取ることを大前提として構築されている。意思がニューロサイエンスの射程に入ってきた現在,法へのニューロサイエンスの導入が急激に進行し,neurolawという学問分野が生まれ,刑事裁判の法廷はそれを応用するnatural experimentの場面になった。医と法は,しかし,いわば異界同士であるからすれ違いが多々あり,医と法の緊密な対話が強く求められている。
All laws are built on the premise that individuals have a will and act according to their will. Now that the notion of the will is in the range of neuroscience, the introduction of neuroscience to the field of law is progressing rapidly. Hence, the academic field of “neurolaw” is born, and the court of criminal trials is a scene of natural experimentation for its application. However, there are many differences between medicine and law because they are different worlds, and a close dialogue between medicine and law is strongly required.

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