

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus; Progress in Clinical Practice and Research Masao Nagayama 1 , Sunghoon Yang 1 1Department of Neurology and Center for Stroke and Neurocritical Care, International University of Health and Welfare Atami Hospital Keyword: てんかん重積状態 , 非痙攣性てんかん重積状態 , てんかん , ニューロモニタリング , てんかん関連臓器機能障害 , status epilepticus , nonconvulsive status epilepticus , epilepsy , neuromonitoring , epilepsy-related organ dysfunetion pp.553-562
Published Date 2015/5/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1416200180
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Mainly after 2000, we have reported novel manifestations of nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE), such as reversible protracted coma, posthyperventilation apnea, and higher brain dysfunctions, including Klüver-Bucy syndrome. In this review, we discuss the progress in clinical practice and research of NCSE with best available evidence, especially the spectrum of electroencephalographic abnormalities in NCSE, clinical manifestations of malignant NCSE, relationship between sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) and NCSE, and a strategy for real-time neuromonitoring. In addition, we propose some new concepts, NCSE, such as the antiepileptic drug-responsive neurological deficit (ADND), critical NCSE, fosphenytoin challenge test, epilepsy-related organ dysfunction (Epi-ROD), and a Neurocritical Score (Integrated Scale) for the comprehensive and serial evaluation of neurocritical conditions. We emphasize the need for the neuromonitoring of NCSE of broader neurological and neurocritical manifestations not only in the intensive care unit but also in the emergency room, outpatient clinic, inpatient ward, and social settings.

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電子版ISSN 1344-8129 印刷版ISSN 1881-6096 医学書院


