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顔を認知することは,人間が日常生活を送るうえで,極めて重要な能力の1つである。顔の持つ情報には,性別,既知性,年齢などもさることながら,その人の感情までも含まれている。顔認知過程の解明に関して,ヒトの非侵襲的脳機能計測法,例えば脳波(EEG),機能的磁気共鳴画像法(fMRI),近赤外線分光法(NIRS)による研究が進められてきた。その中でも脳磁図(MEG)は,顔認知の解明に大変有用であると思われる。脳磁図とは,錐体細胞の樹状突起で生じる興奮性シナプス後電位によって生じる磁場(excitatory post synaptic potential:EPSP)を検出するとされている。また,頭皮上のセンサーで検出するためには,多数の錐体細胞が同期して活動する必要性がある。
In this review article,we summarize our results from magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG) studies on face perception. The primary results were as follows: (1) facial (eye and mouth) movements are processed differently from general motion perception,but eye and mouth movements are likely processed in the same manner. (2) In a study investigating the interaction between auditory and visual stimuli relating to vowel sounds in the auditory cortex,vowel sound perception in the auditory cortex,at least in the primary processing stage,was not affected by simultaneously viewing mouth movements. (3) In a study investigating the effects of face contour and features on early occipitotemporal activity when viewing eye movement,there was evidence of specific information processing for eye movements in the occipitotemporal region,and this activity was significantly influenced by whether the movements appeared with the face contour and/or features. (4) In a study investigating the effects of inverting facial contour (hair and chin) and features (eyes,nose and mouth) on the processing of static and dynamic face perception,activity in the right fusiform area was more affected by the inversion of features,whereas activity in the left fusiform area was more affected by disruption of the spatial relationship between the contour and features in static face perception,and activity in the right occipitotemporal area was most affected by inversion of the facial contour in dynamic face perception. (5) In a study investigating the perception of changes in facial emotion,the areas of the brain involved in perceiving changes in facial emotion were found to have not matured by 14 years of age.
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