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自己免疫機序により筋線維が障害される筋炎は,多発筋炎(polymyositis:PM),皮膚筋炎(dermatomyositis:DM),封入体筋炎の3つに大別されるが,そのほかにもさまざまな病態機序を背景に持つ疾患が含まれており,臨床像においても病態機序においても均一ではない1,2)。現在,PMとDMは筋病理所見や病態機序から異なる疾患として位置づけられている。しかし,厳密な病理所見をもとにしたPMの診断基準によると,PMと診断できる症例は稀であり,多くは非特異的筋炎やpossible myositisに含まれてしまう問題点もある3)。一方,自己抗体の立場からみた場合はPMとDMは連続した疾患であり,いまだにPM/DMという記載が一般的である4)。これは,筋炎はあくまでも臓器病変の1つであり,PM/DMは自己免疫が介在した全身性炎症疾患という考え方である。
The idiopathic inflammatory myopathies polymyositis (PM) and dermatomyositis (DM) have historically been defined using broad clinical and pathological criteria. These conditions affect both adults and children with clinical features including muscle weakness,skin disease,internal organ involvement,and an association with cancer in adults. Using a clinical-serological approach,PM and DM can be defined into more homogeneous subsets. In recent years,myositis-specific autoantibodies (MSAs) have been better characterized and include autoantibodies to the signal-recognition particle and aminoacyl tRNA-synthetase enzymes. In addition,clinically significant novel autoantibodies ―anti-p155/p140,anti-CADM-140,and others― have been described in the disease spectrum. MSAs are directed against cytoplasmic or nuclear components involved in key regulatory intracellular processes including protein synthesis,translocation,and transcription. The striking association between unique serological profiles and distinct clinical phenotypes suggests that target autoantigens may play a role in disease induction and propagation. This review reports recent progress in myositis-specific autoantigens,particularly their clinical significance.

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