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成人尿道下裂に対する形成手術という稀な症例を経験し,良好な結果を得たので報告する。36歳,男性。結婚3年目で生来の陰茎の変形,屈曲と性交不能を主訴に来院した。陰茎陰嚢型の尿道下裂と判明し,Hodgson Ⅲ法折笠変法による一期的尿道形成術を施行した。成人陰茎皮膚は皮膚皮下ともに小児例に比べ強固であり手術操作は比較的容易であった。6か月の経過観察で合併症はなく,良好な尿流が得られ,性交も可能になった。
A 36 years old man complaining of inability to perform sexual intercourse due to congenital deformity of the penis was found to have penoscrotal hypospadias with bifid scrotum. Hodgson type Ⅲ one stage repair opera-tion was made without complication. Although abundant fibrous tissue making chordee thicker and tight in this case, surgical procedure was much easier compared with children because of fully developed thick penile skin and subcutaneous tissue. Postoperatively, he gained a good enough erection to perform sexual intercourse and voids urine in standing position with a good stream.

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