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近年,潰瘍形成をみる真正皮膚結核は内外ともに減少の一途をたどり,ここ数年その報告にほとんど接しない。最近,われわれは42歳農夫の既往に特記すべきことがないが,2年前肛囲に生じた点状赤色丘疹が次第に拡大,6カ月前から有痛性潰瘍形成,鶏卵大となつた1例を経験(図1,2),局所より人型結核菌を培養検出,さらに肺結核も証明(Gaffky 2号),3者併用療法約1カ月にて潰瘍をほぼ治癒せしめたので,これを機会に,皮膚結核症の統計的観察を行ない,以下のごとき成績を得たので報告する。なお,今回の報告は,先に島ら1)の行なつた弘大皮膚科昭和21年より35年までの観察に引き続く,昭和36年より43年までの8年間のそれである。
Number of cases of cutaneous tuberculosis in the Department of Dermatology, Hirosaki Uni-versity Hospital, for 8 years (1961-1968) was 47, 0.32% of all outpatients in the Department. It tends to decrease year by year, having the maximum frequency of 0.68% in 1963 and the minimum of 0.32 in 1967.
Number of cases of lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei, lupus vulgaris, and erythema indura-tum Bazin were 18, 10, and 6 respectively.
Distribution of the age of their incidence had the peak in the young life, age of 21 to 40 years, especially 21 to 25 years. This tendency could be found particularly in the tuberculid.
The affected both sex almost equally.
Six in 47 cases (12.8%) had the history of tuberculosis or were accompanied with tuberculosis of other organs respectively. Almost all of them had tuberculosis of the chest.
32 in 38 cases (84.2%) showed positive tuberculin reaction, and 20 in 37 cases (54.0%) were proved to have accerelated e.s.r.
A case of ulcerative lupus vulgaris on the perianal region was reported.

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