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Naevus lipomatodes cutaneus superficialis (Hoffmann-Zurhelle)(以下N.1.c.s.と略す)という病名は1921年にHoffmann u.Zurhelle1)により,臨床像と特異な組織像が紹介されて以来一独立疾患として確立された。Hoffmann u.Zurhelleの記載によれば,それより以前にこのような病形の報告および近似の観察例は,見出せなかつた,と記している。ただしHyde(1885),Manassei(1877),Scarenzio(1877),Little (1910),Fox(1912)らがNaevus lipomatodesという広い意味の名称をもつて発表した観察があるが,組織学的検索はなされていないという。
Three cases of this disease in a 45-year-old man, a 43-year-old woman, and a 37-year-old woman were reported.
The tumor of the second case has enlarged the size rapidly after oral ingestions of an antidiabetic drug, which may have induced an increased secretion of insuline and accerelated the synthesis of neutral fat in the hemartomatous adipose tissue. Histologic sections from the nevus showed metachromatic cells around fat lobules in the cutis.
The tumor of the third case has increased in size rapidly after a delivery. This also suggested that some hormonal factor may have had an effect on fat cells of the nevus.
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