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臨床的に主として骨盤帯に多発する特有な結節形成を,また組織学的に脂肪組織の真皮内異所的発生を特徴とする本症は,極めて稀な疾患であるが,1921年Hoffmann-Zurhelle1)によりNaevus lipomatodes cutaneus superficialisとして報告されて以来,諸外国に於ては19例,本邦に於ては16例が報告されている。
A 23-year-old woman of this disease was reported. She found a few nodules which were light yellow, elastic soft, and small-finger-tip-sized on the right lumbar region at 10 years of age. They enlarged in size and increased in number gradually and have become a plaque 14×9cm in size.
Histologic specimen showed the increase of collagen fibers in the dermis, and fat cell nests around the vessels, some of which had continuity with the subcutaneous fat tissue. These fat cells contained mainly neutral fat. There could be found neither degenerated collagen nor immature fat cell around the vessel.
It was a marked finding that there were proliferation of collagen fibers with disorganization and decrease of elastic fibers. It suggests that this disorder might be a kind of connective tissue nevus.

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