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鼻骨骨折は顔面骨骨折のなかで最も頻度の高いものであるが,そのなかには鼻骨骨折単独のもの,上顎骨前頭突起骨折を伴うもの,さらに篩骨や眼高壁の骨折を伴うものやLe Fortの2,3型骨折の一部である場合まで広く含まれる。耳鼻科医を受診する外傷患者の多くは前2者であることが多い。しかし,今までにこれらの2者の骨折の形態を比較検討した報告は少ない。
Thirty-two cases of nasal bone fractures were evaluated by axial CT scan. The nasal bone and frontal process of the maxilla were divided into three portions of the upper, middle and lower.Majority of frontal process fractures with nasalbone fractures gave rise in only ipsilateral side of exter-nal force.
Nasal bone fractures of the upper portion were more frequently accompanied by frontal process fractures than those of the middle or lower portion. Nasal bone fractures of the upper portion with frontal process fractures included complexed facial fractures and many fractures of the middle or lower portion were suffered only nasal bone and frontal process.

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