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悪性外耳道炎(malignant external otitis)は耳漏・耳痛,外耳道肉芽,耳漏からの緑膿菌の検出,糖尿病の合併を特徴とする難治性の外耳道炎である1)。下位脳神経麻痺,頭蓋底骨髄炎,さらには頭蓋内合併症をきたすこともあり,時に致死的となりうる疾患である2)。しかし近年,緑膿菌に有効な抗菌薬の発達により緑膿菌による典型例は減少し,緑膿菌以外の菌による発症例や,AIDS患者や白血病患者に発症する例など,非典型的な症例も報告されている3)。今回,われわれは当科にて入院し,加療を行った悪性外耳道炎の5例を経験したので若干の文献的考察を含めて報告する。
Malignant external otitis is a severe and intractable external otitis accompanied by persistent otalgia, otorrhea, formation of granulation tissue and is typically caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in diabetic patients. We herein reported 5 cases, 3 men and 2 women aged 57-80 years. All had diabetes mellitus, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was detected in 4 patients. Two patients developed facial nerve paralysis and the one brain abscess. In addition to the administration of antibiotics in all cases, 3 patients underwent surgery and 2 patients were treated with corticosteroids. One patient recovered completely, and the other 4 patients improved. This potentially life-threatening disease must be diagnosed correctly and treated appropriately.

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