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要約 目的:線維柱帯切開術後の前房出血に合併して角膜血染症を発症した症例を報告する。
症例:85歳,男性。狭心症の既往のため抗血小板薬2剤を内服中であった。左眼の後期開放隅角緑内障,白内障に対して白内障手術併用360° suture trabeculotomy ab interno(360° S-LOT)を行った。術前の左眼矯正視力0.3,眼圧17mmHg,前眼部光干渉断層計(A-OCT)による角膜厚は569μm,角膜内皮細胞密度は2,577cells/mm2であった。手術翌日から前房出血(ニボー形成:3mm)を認め,眼圧は16mmHgであったが,術後4日目に前房出血はほぼ前房全体に充満し,眼圧は36mmHgと上昇した。術後12日目に角膜血染症を発症したため,速やかに前房洗浄を行った。前房洗浄後,周辺部を除いた角膜全層に黄褐色の混濁を認め,角膜血染症発症時の角膜厚は750μmであった。前房洗浄の3か月後,角膜厚は603μmへと改善したが,A-OCTにて角膜中央部実質内に高輝度領域を認めた。術後25か月の時点で角膜厚は555μmへと改善し,角膜高輝度領域の消失を認め,矯正視力は0.6,眼圧は12mmHgであった。角膜内皮細胞密度は770cells/mm2であった。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of corneal blood staining after 360° suture trabeculotomy ab interno.
Case:An 85-year-old male, who was on dual antiplatelet therapy for stable angina, underwent 360° suture trabeculotomy ab interno(360° S-LOT)combined with cataract surgery to treat cataract and late-stage primary open-angle glaucoma(POAG). Preoperative examination showed a corrected visual acuity of 0.3 and an intraocular pressure(IOP)of 17 mmHg;corneal thickness evaluated by anterior optical coherence tomography(A-OCT)was 569 μm, with a corneal endothelial cell density of 2,577 cells/mm2. However, on the second postoperative day, we observed a hyphema with 3 mm niveau formation in the anterior chamber, with a normal IOP of 16 mmHg. This further developed to fill the anterior chamber, with an elevated IOP of 36 mmHg on the fourth postoperative day. Although glaucoma therapy was used to decrease IOP, corneal blood staining was observed on the twelfth postoperative day, and the anterior chamber was washed out rapidly. The corneal thickness was 750 μm with some opacity in the next day after anterior chamber washout, and gradually decreased to 603 μm after 3 months;simultaneously, a hyperreflective area in the central corneal stromal region was recognized by A-OCT. After 25 months of anterior chamber washout, the cornea had clearly recovered with a final thickness of 555 μm, and the hyperreflective area had also disappeared. The corrected visual acuity was 0.6 with a normal IOP of 12 mmHg.
Conclusion:Antiplatelet therapy may prolong hyphema in the anterior chamber after 360° suture trabeculotomy ab interno, which may facilitate corneal blood staining. Thus, anterior chamber washout should be performed as early as possible after the formation of an abundant hyphema in the anterior chamber. Futhermore, A-OCT is useful for evaluating corneal stromal haze associated with corneal blood staining.

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