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要約 目的:小児における眼外傷の原因として最も多いのはスポーツ関連,次いで洗剤などの化学物質,玩具となっている。今回,報告例が少ないシャープペンシルの芯と,報告例のない三角定規による小児の眼外傷を経験したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:The most common causes of eye injuries in children are sports-related, followed by detergents/chemicals and toys. Here we describe one case each of pediatric eye injuries caused by a sharp pencil lead, which is rarely reported, and by a ruler, for which there are no reported cases.
Case 1:A 7-year-old girl was injured when a mechanical pencil lead struck her right eye. The lead became embedded in the corneal limbus, and she underwent surgery under general anesthesia to remove the using forceps on the same day. Her final corrected decimal visual acuity in the right eye was 1.5.
Case 2:A 15-year-old boy. He was injured when a ruler struck his right eye. His decimal corrected visual acuity in the right eye was 0.1. A laceration in the lower corneal periphery and prolapse of the iris was noted, and he underwent surgery under general anesthesia to suture the cornea on the same day. His final decimal corrected visual acuity in the right eye was 1.5.
Conclusion:Here we described one case each of eye injuries in children caused by a mechanical pencil lead and a ruler. Visual prognosis was favorable in both cases because the injuries were located in the lower area of the eyeball.

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