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要約 目的:若年開放隅角緑内障(JOAG)の患者にマイクロパルス経強膜的毛様体光凝固術(MPCPC)を行った後に,可逆性の散瞳と調節力低下が出現した1例を経験したので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:To report a case of reversible mydriasis and decreased regulation after micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation(MPCPC)in a patient with juvenile open-angle glaucoma(JOAG).
Case:A 13-year-old boy visited his local doctor following a school checkup. Intraocular pressure(IOP)in the right eye was 34 mmHg and that in the left eye was 33 mmHg. The patient was referred to the Department of Ophthalmology, Hiroshima University Hospital, and was diagnosed with bilateral JOAG;he underwent two trabeculotomies one each for the left and right eye. The postoperative IOP remained at 20 mmHg in both eyes. MPCPC was performed twice in the right eye and once in the left eye for IOP reduction.
Findings:The amplitude of accommodation(AA)of the right eye was 3.7(D)on 91st day after MPCPC, and that in the left eye was 4.1(D)the 63rd day after MPCPC. At that time, pupil diameter(PD)was about 5 mm and moderately mydriatic. Thus, we considered it as a complication of MPCPC. AA recovered to 7-8(D)on the 233rd day and the 205 days after initial MPCPC, respectively. PD in both eyes also recovered to about 3 mm. IOP of the right eye was 40 mmHg at the 91st day after the initial MPCPC and remained in the forties even after second MPCPC. IOP of left eye was temporarily decreased to 22 mmHg on the 63rd day after initial MPCPC, but increased to 37 mmHg on the 147th day. Regardless of the prescription IOP lowering medications, the IOP was 29 mmHg and 27 mmHg. Therefore, we eventually performed trabeculectomy in both eyes. After trabeculectomy, IOP of both eyes remained between 10 and 20 mmHg.
Conclusion:When MPCPC is performed on a young patient, explaining the transient but adverse reactions of decreased regulation and mydriasis is necessary.

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