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要約 目的:オフィスワーカーの自発性瞬目の日内変動を検討すること。対象と方法:対象は白内障以外の眼科疾患および眼科手術の既往のないオフィスワーカー6例12眼(男性3例女性3例,平均年齢59.0±4.8歳)である。瞬目高速解析装置を用いて連続5日間,1日3回(10時,14時,16時)の両眼の自発性瞬目を測定した。結果:開閉瞼時とも上眼瞼移動距離,瞬目期間,最大速度,瞬目回数のいずれも10時,14時,16時の各群間で日内変動を認めなかった。結論:オフィスワーカーの自発性瞬目には,有意な日内変動がなかった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report diurnal variation of spontaneous eye blinking in office workers. Cases and Method:This study was made on 6 office workers. The series comprised 3 males and 3 females. The age averaged 59.0±4.8 years. They had no history of eye disease or surgery except cataract. Spontaneous blinking was documented in both eyes 3 times daily at 10, 14 and 16 o'clock for 5 consecutive days. A high-speed eye blinking analysis system was to document eye blinking. Results:There was no significant diurnal variation regarding upper eyelid displacement, maximum velocity, duration of lid closure, or frequency of blinking during opening or closure of the eyelids. Conclusion:No diurnal variation was present regarding eye blinking in office workers.

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