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要約 目的:総涙小管閉塞に対し,内視鏡下での直接穿破法と涙管チューブ挿入術の短期成績の報告。症例と方法:総涙小管閉塞がある22例27側に内視鏡下での直接穿破法と涙管チューブ挿入術を行った。男性6例,女性16例で,年齢は58~86歳(平均71歳)である。術後の経過は6か月以上観察した。結果:27側中24側(89%)でチューブ挿入ができ,挿入できた症例での手術時間は平均14分であった。チューブ抜去後の涙道開存率は24側中23側(96%)であった。1側では抜去後13か月で鼻涙管閉塞が再発し,同治療を再び行った。結論:総涙小管閉塞に対する内視鏡下での直接穿破法と涙管チューブ挿入術は,短時間で行うことができ,術後成績も良好であった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of probing and intubation under endoscopic observation for obstructed common lacrimal duct. Cases and Method:This study was made on 27 sides of 22 cases who were diagnosed with obstruction of common lacrimal duct. The series comprised 6 males and 16 females. The age ranged from 58 to 86 years, average 71 years. Cases were followed up for 6 months or longer. Results:Intubation was possible on 24 out of 27 sides(89%). It took an average of 14 minutes for intubation. Lacrimal passage was patent in 23 out of 24 sides(96%)after removal of lacrimal tube. One side developed obstruction of nasolacrimal duct 13 months after tube removal. The obstruction was treated again by the same method. Conclusion:Probing and intubation under endoscopic observation could be performed easily and resulted in good outcome for obstruction of common lacrimal duct.

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