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要約 目的:手術を行った片眼の先天眼瞼下垂での斜視と視機能の報告。対象:過去5年間に手術を行った片眼先天眼瞼下垂42例を対象とした。男児23例,女児19例,年齢は0~15歳(平均5.5±3.5歳)であった。結果:術前の視力には,健眼と下垂眼とで有意差があった。下垂眼の19%に弱視があり,不同視弱視が多かった。57%に斜視があり,下斜筋過動と外斜視が多かった。乱視については健眼と下垂眼とで有意差がなかった。結論:片眼眼瞼下垂では弱視が発症する可能性が大きく,早期治療が望まれる。屈折異常があれば,術前でも屈折矯正を行うべきである。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the visual function and ocular motility following surgery for congenital unilateral blepharoptosis. Cases:This retrospective study was made on 42 cases who underwent surgery for congenital unilateral blepharoptosis in the past 5 years. The series comprised 23 males and 19 females. The age ranged from zero to 15 years,average 5.5±3.5 years. Results:Visual acuity before surgery was statistically different between affected and fellow eyes. Amblyopia,particularly anisometropic one,was present in 19% of affected eyes. Strabismus was present in 57% of cases,particularly exotropia or overaction of inferior oblique muscle. There was no difference between affected and fellow eyes regarding astigmatism. Conclusion:Patients with congenital unilateral blepharoptosis have a high risk of amblyopia and need early treatment. Cases with anomalous refraction need early correction even before surgery.

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