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要約 目的:白内障手術後に発症した眼内炎の治療成績と,患者対加療者間の関係の報告。対象と方法:過去11年間に治療した術後眼内炎9例9眼を検索した。治療後の患者の満足度はアンケートで調査した。結果:白内障手術から眼内炎発症までの間隔は,7日以内が5例,7日から1か月以内が1例,それ以上が3例であった。全例に眼内レンズ摘出と硝子体切除が行われた。眼内炎から手術までの期間は,3日以内が6例,2週間以上が3例であり,亜急性ないし遅発性の症例で手術までの期間が長かった。早期に手術と抗菌薬の硝子体内注入が行われた症例では視力転機が良好であった。治療後に患者と加療者との間にトラブルが起こった例はなく,患者側の反応は特に批判的ではなかった。結論:白内障手術後に生じた眼内炎では,亜急性または遅発性の症例で手術加療の時期を逸し,最終結果が不良になった例があった。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of treatment for endophthalmitis after cataract surgery and patients' satisfaction. Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 9 eyes of 9 patients who were treated for postoperative endophthalmitis during the past 11 years. Patients' evaluation was collected by questionnaire. Results:Interval between cataract surgery and ophthalmitis was less than 7 days in 5 cases,7 days to one month in one,and over one month in three. All cases were treated by removal of intraocular lens and vitrectomy. Surgery was performed within 3 days of onset in 6 cases,and later than 2 weeks in 3. There was a tendency for surgery to be performed later in subacute or chronic cases. Early surgery resulted in better visual outcome. There is no case of conflict between patient and surgeon. Conclusion:Postoperative endophthalmitis ought to be performed as early as possible for better visual outcome.

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