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要約 目的:黄斑上膜への硝子体手術の成績に内境界膜剝離が及ぼす影響の報告。対象と方法:硝子体手術を行い,2年以上の経過を追えた特発性黄斑上膜49例50眼を対象とした。男性15眼,女性35眼で,年齢は53~79歳(平均65歳)であった。全例に水晶体乳化吸引,眼内レンズ挿入,黄斑上膜の剝離を行った。22眼では内境界膜を剝離し,28眼では剝離しなかった。視力はlogMARで評価し,0.2以上の変化を改善または悪化とした。結果:6か月後の視力は,改善41眼(82%),不変8眼(16%),悪化1眼(2%)であり,内境界膜剝離の有無は影響しなかった。術前と術後視力には正の相関があった(p<0.01)。中心窩厚は17眼で測定し,術後1か月には有意に減少し(p<0.01),内境界膜剝離の有無は影響しなかった。中心窩厚と術前視力には負の相関があり(p<0.05),術後視力とは相関しなかった。内境界膜剝離群で1眼(4.5%),非剝離群で9眼(32%)が再発した。結論:黄斑上膜への硝子体手術では,内境界膜の剝離は術後視力には影響せず,非剝離のときよりも再発が少ない。
Abstract. Purpose:To report the outcome of vitreous surgery for epiretinal membrane with or without peeling of internal limiting membrane(ILM). Cases and Method:This retrospective study was made on 50 eyes of 49 patients who received surgery for epiretinal membrane. The series comprised 15 male and 35 female eyes. The age ranged from 53 to 79 years,average 65 years. All eyes received phacoemulsification-aspiration,intraocular lens implantation,and removal of epiretinal membrane. Additionally,22 eyes received ILM peeling and 28 eyes did not. Visual acuity was evaluated as logMAR. Results:Visual acuity after 6 months improved in 41 eyes(82%),remained unchanged in 8 eyes(16%),and deteriorated in one eye(2%). Postoperative visual acuity was independent of ILM peeling. Foveal thickness significantly decreased one month after surgery independent of ILM peeling. Epiretinal membrane recurred in one eye with and in 9 eyes without ILM peeling. Conclusion:ILM peeling does not influence the outcome of vitreous surgery for epiretinal membrane. Rate of recurrence was lower after ILM peeling.

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