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背景:大腿骨頚部骨折後の偽関節や大腿骨転子部骨折後の陳旧例といったサルベージ症例に対し,コーン型セメントレスステム(LIMA Modulus®)を使用した.
結果:Spot weldsはzone 2,3,5,6で認め,全例でステムの沈下は認めていないが,stress shieldingは認めた.
Background:We used a cone-type cementless stem (LIMA Modulus®) to treat fracture nonunion, including postoperative femoral neck nonunion and old trochanteric fracture cases.
Method:In all of the cases, the canal of the proximal femur has a stove-pipe shape (wide canal and poor cortical bone). We evaluated the Japanese Orthopaedics Association (JOA) Hip score and pre- and post-operative radiographs.
Outcome:Stability of the cone-type cementless stem was acquired from the mid-femur to the distal femur. No subsidence of the stems has been observed. The stems are also highly stable in relation to poor quality bone in the femur, as in femurs that have a stove-pipe canal.
Conclusion:We concluded that the cone-type cementless stem is a valid implant for the treatment of nonunion of femoral fractures in femurs that have a stove-pipe canal.

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