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本研究の目的は腰椎椎間孔外狭窄病変の新しい診断法を確立することである.対象はわれわれの考案した電気生理学的手法による評価を行った21症例である.手術に先立ち,透視下に第5神経根の椎間孔出口部に刺入した針電極から電気刺激を行い,前脛骨筋から導出した複合筋活動電位を用いて,その遠位潜時についての検討を行った.各種画像検査および手術所見から確定診断を得た椎間孔外狭窄症例7例における障害側の潜時は15.2~55.9ms(平均22.0ms)であるのに対し,脊柱管内狭窄のみの症例では12.0~15.6ms(平均13.8±1.0ms)であった.ROC曲線(receiver operative characteristic curve)で求めたカットオフ値は15.2msであることから,腰椎椎間孔外狭窄の新しい診断基準として第5腰神経根電位の遠位潜時(L5-DML:distal motor latency)15.2ms以上をわれわれは提唱したい.
The purpose of this study was to establish a new clinical diagnostic tool for extra-foraminal stenosis at L5-S1. The subjects were 21 patients with lumbar radiculopathy at L5. With the subjects under general anesthesia before surgery we positioned a pair of needle electrodes at the exit zone of the fifth lumbar nerve root. The roots were then electrically stimulatied with the electrodes, and compound muscle action potentials were recorded from the bilateral tibialis anterior muscles to measure the distal latency of the L5 nerve root potentials. Their latencies ranged from 12.0 ms to 15.6 ms in the cases with spinal canal stenosis at L4/5 alone, as opposed to 15.2 ms to 55.9 ms in those with extra-foraminal stenosis at L5-S1. We plotted an ROC curve and identified a cutoff value of 15.2 ms. This value provides a new diagnostic criterion for extra-foraminal stenosis at L5-S1 based on measurements of the distal latency of L5 nerve root potentials from the exit zone.

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