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症例は82歳の男性で,腰部脊柱管狭窄症に対して多椎間の椎弓切除術を受けた既往がある.術後3年が経過した頃から両下肢痛と間欠跛行の再発を自覚するようになった.MRIで脊柱管内病変は認めなかったため,椎間孔部狭窄の関与を疑い3次元MRIを施行した結果,L5-S1高位の右椎間孔外狭窄,左椎間孔内狭窄病変を同定した.本症例は高齢であるうえに,高度の心血管病変を抱えるpoor riskの症例であったため,手術侵襲を可能な限り低減することを意図して一対の脊椎内視鏡による両側同時手術を考案した.実際の手術では,最も危惧された術者間の干渉による手術操作のトラブルはなく,円滑に神経除圧を完了できた.また,周術期合併症も発生せず,手術リスクを無事回避することができた.
The patient was an 82-year-old man who had undergone laminectomy for lumbar canal stenosis began to experience bilateral pain and intermittent claudication three years postoperatively. Since MRI did not reveal any clear lesions in the vertebral canal, we suspected an extra-foraminal lesion and conducted thorough examination. 3D-MRI ultimately revealed a right extra-foraminal lesion and left intra-foraminal stenosis at L5/S1. Because of his advanced age and past history of myocardial infarctions we devised a procedure in which we simultaneously operated on both sides by using a pair of endoscopes, which allowed minimally invasive surgery. As a result, there were no perioperative complications, and operative risk was avoided.

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