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人工股関節置換術後の大腿骨ステム周囲骨折に対して,Zimmer社Cable-Ready® plate systemを使用し治療した症例を臨床成績,X線所見について調査検討した.対象は2001年9月~2004年10月の期間に手術治療した6例6股である.1例に一期的に骨接合とロングステム再置換を行い,1例に骨癒合が得られた後にセメントステムへ再置換を行った.全例が骨癒合し,術後疼痛は軽減し満足な結果が得られた.Cable-Ready® plate systemは骨折部の強固な固定が可能であり有用な方法と考えられた.
In this study six patients (6 hips) who underwent internal fixation with the Cable-Ready® plate system for periprosthetic fractures after hip arthroplasty between September 2001 and October 2004 were evaluated clinically and radiologically. In one patient the loose cementless stem was replaced by a cemented stem in a second operation after bone union, and another was replaced by a long cementless stem with internal fixation. Bone union occurred in every patient. There was significant pain reduction according to the Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) score for arthritis in all patients. Internal fixation with the Cable-Ready® plate system is useful for the treatment of periprosthetic fractures after hip arthroplasty.

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