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今回われわれはSalmonella agonaが原因と考えられた化膿性脊椎炎の1例を経験したので報告する.患者は13歳の女児,2004年1月頃から時々腰痛を自覚していた.2004年4月に階段を登っている際に激しい腰痛が出現し,立位保持が困難になったために当院に救急搬送された.化膿性脊椎炎の診断で入院し,椎体生検を施行しSalmonlla agonaが検出された.抗生剤の投与および安静臥床治療で症状は軽快した.本症例では乾燥イカ菓子を多量摂取していた習慣があり感染経路として考えられた.
We report a case of vertebral osteomyelitis caused by Salmonella agona. The patient was a 13-year-old girl with a 3-month history of low back pain. The low back pain was aggravated by climbing stairs. Plain radiographs showed osteolytic change in the vertebral bodies of Th12 and L1. CT and MRI scans also revealed osteolytic change in the spine at Th12 and L1. The histological diagnosis was made by examination of specimens obtained by CT-guided biopsy, and Salmonella agona was detected. The patient was treated conservatively with antibiotics for one month, and her symptoms improved. She had been in the habit of eating large amounts of a dried squid product every day for one month before the onset of symptoms, and we suspect that the squid was contaminated with Salmonella agona.

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