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Two cases of delayed neurologic deficit resulting from instability after osteoporotic vertebral fracture are reported.
Case 1. A 79-year-old man developed spinal cord disorder secondary to vertebral instability as a result of pseudarthrosis of the L1 vertebral body. MRI showed spinal cord swelling at the same level. He has been treated conservatively for 1 year and 11 months, and bone union has been achieved. Spinal cord swelling is no longer detectable on the MRI images, and the neurological complication has improved.
Case 2. An 82-year-old woman with T12 vertebral body collapse experienced the gradual onset of a neurologic deficit despite conservative treatment for 7 months. The MRI and CT images showed only slight cord compression by the bone fragment in the spinal canal at the T12 level. Flexion and extension radiographs showed abnormal movement at T12. Posterior spinal fixation from T7 to L3 without decompression was performed with instrumentation by a combined method using pedicle screw, hook, and sublaminar wiring. Bone union of T12 was achieved, and great neurological improvement was observed at the most recent follow-up, 1 year and 7 months after the operation.
These 2 cases suggested that delayed neurological deficit might be caused by instability of the vertebral column at the pseudoarthrosis site and not by mechanical compression of the spinal cord. Therefore stabilization of the spine both by conservative treatment and posterior fixation even without decompression may improve the neurologic deficit, and this appears to be an effective way of treating delayed neurologic deficis secondary to osteoporotic vertebral fractures.

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