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Far-out syndromeとは,椎間孔出口よりさらに外側で,L5神経根が障害される病態で稀な疾患である.今回われわれは,他椎間の椎間板ヘルニアを合併したfar-out syndromeの1例を経験した.far-out syndromeの診断は,選択的神経根造影と神経根造影後のCTによって確認できた.また3D-CTによって,L5横突起と仙骨の間の異常関節に2次的に骨棘が形成されているのが確認できた.移行椎を伴う神経根障害の診断においては,far-out syndromeにも留意が必要である.
Far-out syndrome is an impingement of the L5 spinal nerve root far laterally beyond the foramen and is rarely reported. We present a case of far-out syndrome associated with a lumbar disc herniation. The diagnosis of this syndrome was confirmed by selective radiculography and computed tomography performed sequentially. Three-dimensional computed tomography clearly visualized a bony spur formation secondary to an anomalous articulation between the L5 transverse process and the sacral ala. Far-out syndrome should be considered when diagnosing radiculopathy with transitional vertebra.

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